The Passive Voice

The Passive Voice is a grammatical construction (specifically, a voice) in which the subject of a sentence or clause denotes the recipient of the action (the patient) rather than the performer (the agent).

Passive = a form of be + past participle

Here you can see how the passive voice works, 

Compare active and passive. The object of the active sentence (movie) is the subject of the passive sentence.

In the agent of the action (the person who performs the action) is mentioned, it follows by.

The passive voice can be use with different tenses and modals. The tense of the passive voice is shown in the verb be.

When the verb is in the active voice, the subject performs the action. When the verb is in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.

  • The active voice focuses on the person who does the action. The passive voice focuses on the receiver or the result of the action. 

Sometimes the passive voice mentions the agent, the person who does the action (A). Sometimes it is not necessary to mention the agent (B).

Active: I see the Academy Awards ceremony every year.
Passive: The Academy Awards ceremony is seen by millions.

Active: The Academy presents awards to the best actors and directors.
Passive: The awards are presented every year.,

Here you will see some examples with passive voice in different tense;

  • Simple Present :

Active: A committee chooses the best actor.

Passive: The best actor is chosen by the committee.

  • Present continuous :

Active: They are presenting an award now

  • Future

Passive: An award is being presented now.

Active: They will pick the best movie.

Passive: The best movie will be picked.

Active: They are going to pick the best movie.

Passive: The best movie is going to be picked.

  • Simple past

Active: They announced the winner’s name.
Passive: The winner’s name was announced.
  • Past Continuous

Active: They were taking photographs.
Passive: Photographs were being taken.

Here you will see the use of the passive voice in a context. 

The Academy Awards are given out every year to recognize outstanding work of many actors, directors, and others who are part of the movie-making industry. These awards, called Oscars, are presented in a formal ceremony in Hollywood. Several people are nominated in specific categories, such as Best Actor, Best Movie, Best music, Best Costumes. One person is chosen to receive an award in each category.

I hope you enjoy learning the Passive Voice.

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